Uwe Rieger – Studio Christchurch
Friday, 02 Aug, noon
All events
Talk. Free entry
Auckland Art Gallery
Associate Professor Uwe Rieger will present Studio Christchurch, a new initiative to create a collaborative Christchurch-based research and design studio as an open exchange platform between New Zealand’s Architecture Schools, the profession and the public.
Studio Christchurch focusses on practice oriented outcomes that lead to applied design propositions in order to actively participate in the development of the city. The presentation will introduce strategies and concepts behind the LUXCITY event of 2012, the Green Frame investigation of 2013 and give outlook on upcoming projects for 2014.
Auckland Art Gallery
Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki is New Zealand's premier art gallery. The Gallery leads the Auckland Triennial and was a founding partner in the event. It is proud to foster art practice through the commissioning of new artists' projects, and to present contemporary art in a national and international context. The multi award-winning Gallery building is also home to collections of historical, modern and contemporary New Zealand and international art.
Open daily 10am - 5pm
Cnr Kitchener and Wellesley Streets
+64 9 379 1349