Rau Hoskins and Carin Wilson co-head Te Hononga - The Centre for Maori Architecture and Appropriate

Rau Hoskins and Carin Wilson co-head Te Hononga - The Centre for Maori Architecture and Appropriate Technologies at Unitec.
Te Hononga / Māori Studio has been offering real world studio design projects at UNITEC for over 13 years. The projects all have a real client and always involve some level of hands on building towards the end of the project.
Te Hononga has developed expertise in articulating local language to guide students through an investigative approach to cultural landscapes, living patterns, identifying sustainable solutions,
discovering appropriate materials and evaluating construction solutions while engaging in experiential opportunities.
Rau Hoskins of Ngāti Hau / Ngāpuhi lectures in Māori architecture at the Unitec Department of Architecture and coordinates the Te Hononga / Maori Studio strand along with colleague Carin Wilson.
Rau is a director of designTRIBE architects specialising in the design of Māori cultural, educational, health and housing projects. Rau is the co-chair of Ngā Aho – the network of Māori design professionals and in 2011 Rau presented the award winning ‘Whare Māori’ Television series focusing on Māori architecture.
Carin Wilson (Ngati Awa, Tuhourangi) is a former President and Fellow of the Designer’s Institute of NZ. He was the founding Chair of Ngā Aho, the Society of Maori Design Professionals and an honorary holder of Toi Iho – the quality mark for Māori Arts. He has been credited by his colleagues with being a deep strategic thinker with over thirty years experience in art, design, education and business. Carin is the Kaihautu and Creative Director of Studio Pasifika, the Auckland-based design practice he founded in 1993. He lectures in the School of Architecture at Unitec and is a regular exhibitor, with works recognised by numerous grants and awards - including QEII Arts Council and Arts Council of NZ awards.